The fundamental premise is that truth combined with awareness drives alignment and ultimately exceptional results. Whether you are trying to redesign corporate culture, improve the customer experience, re-engage the workforce, promote creativity and innovation, or exceed annual targets, reaching the next tier of performance always comes from a place of recognizing the realities of your current status or context, increasing one’s awareness of those truths and then developing a plan to align where you are with where you need to be.

There is no hidden secret to the process. It is a confidential and intense conversation that explores the challenges, blindspots, potential options, and opportunities. If there is a “secret sauce” to the process it is in the questions that challenge perceptions, often with an implicit demand for proof, and then inevitable course corrections.

Adventure has to do with risk, with a bias towards action, with curiosity and courage. And the challenge of leadership is to create the social architecture where ideas, relationships and, adventure can flourish.
Warren Bennis